This year’s school production Mary Poppins, set in the leafy London suburbs of Edwardian England, will see a talented cast fully recreate the charm and magic of Cherry Tree Lane and the trials and tribulations of the Banks family who are in desperate need of a very “talented” nanny.
You accompanied us on our first journey through the world of childhood adventure during House Arts. Now follow us in the footsteps of everyone’s favourite nanny who knows the benefit of a spoonful of sugar; Mr Banks and his troubles in the city; and Michael and Jane who simply want to fly a kite!
Our fun-filled production will begin at 7pm and refreshments will be available before the performance and at the interval from the foyer outside the main school hall.
The cast and production team warmly invite you to join us on Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th of July 2018.
Tickets for this event cost £5 each.