Year 12 Admissions
Year 12 September 2025 Admission Information
WGHS offers academic excellence, a stimulating working environment and a range of extra-curricular activities. However, what new students to the school have commented on most is the friendliness of students and staff, the warm family atmosphere​
​Please contact Mrs Darby, by telephone 01902 551515 or email 6thformadmissions@wghs.org.uk for any further enquiries about sixth form at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School.
Before submitting your application ensure you have met the admissions criteria:
DOB between 01.09.08 and 31.08.09
Eligibility to education in the UK
Expected GCSE results meet the school and subject entry requirements.
Sixth Form Subject information Booklet

Admission Arrangements to the Sixth Form for school year 2025-26
The admission number for students new to the School in Year 12 in September 2025 is 30.
Entry Requirements
Both internal and external students wishing to enter the sixth form will be expected to have met the same minimum academic entry requirements for the Sixth Form. These are that students will usually be expected to have achieved a minimum of 6 GCSEs at grades 6 (or B where legacy GCSE) or above, a grade 6 or above in Mathematics and English Language and a minimum average points score of 6.5 from her best 6 subjects. In addition to the Sixth Form’s minimum academic entry requirements students will need to satisfy minimum entrance requirements to the courses for which they are applying. If either internal or external applicants fail to meet the minimum course requirements they will be given the option of pursuing any alternative courses for which they do meet the minimum academic requirements. Course requirements are published annually in the School’s prospectus and on its website. Subjects which are not GCSEs but deemed to be equivalent to GCSEs are not accepted. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the application of the entry requirements.
Application Procedures
Internal students in the current Year 11 are viewed as automatic applicants to the Sixth Form and will be admitted subject to meeting the entry requirements. There are a variety of opportunities for these students to receive advice and guidance from both students and staff at the school, including attendance at a meeting with a senior member of staff to discuss option choices.
Each external student wishing to join the Sixth Form must apply in writing by completing an application form. She will then be invited to come into school for a meeting with a senior member of staff who will provide advice on options and entry requirements for particular courses.
Allocation of places/Oversubscription Criteria
Initially, conditional offers of admission to Year 12 will be made and these will be confirmed following the publication of GCSE results. When there are more external applicants than places available that satisfy all aspects of the academic entry requirements, priority will be given in the following order:
1. A “Looked After Child”, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order.
2. Other students who would then be ranked in order of merit based on their average total GCSE points score.
Joint Lowest Last Place Score
In the event that more than one candidate obtains the last score a tie break process will be followed. Priority will be allocated in the following order:
1. Those living nearest to the school. The measurement between home and school will be determined by the straight line measurement from the designated home address to the school using computerised software. For applications from the same block of flats that have the same designated point, the allocation will be decided by lot. Where Parents/Carers have shared responsibility for the girl and the girl lives with both Parents/Carers for part of the week then the main residence will be determined as the address where the girl lives for the majority of the school week during term time. Parents/Carers may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used for the application.
2. In the event that there is a tie between sisters who live at the same address, the place will be allocated to the first born and in cases where this is not known, the allocation will be decided by lot.
Waiting List
A waiting list will be compiled of applicants who meet the academic requirements for admission to Year 12 but who, in accordance with the admission criteria, cannot be accommodated. Those on the waiting list will be ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above.
Once admitted to the Sixth Form, each student will enter into an agreement with the school. That agreement will outline what students can expect from the school and what the school will expect from each student.
If no place is offered, Parents/Carers and students will be informed of their right to appeal.