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Year 7 Admissions

Welcome to the Year 7 admissions area of our website. Here you can find the latest information about the process to apply for the school and useful information.  Please view the frequently asked questions and answers below.

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    Year 7 2025       Entrance Test     Monday 16th September 2024

The registration window for this year's Consortium Entrance Test is now closed.

Late applicants will be tested and we will publish details on this page  in November 2024 on how to apply for a late test for your daughter.

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The reasons that we are one of the country's leading grammar schools and a superb option for your daughter's education


Year 7 2024
Late Applications 

Year 7 2025 Entry

Test date: Monday 16th September 2024


The registration portal for the West Midlands Grammar Schools Entrance Test for Year 7 2025 entry opened from 7th May to 28th June 2024 at 4pm. It is not possible to register for the September test after this time. 

  • The West Midlands Grammar Schools Partnership shares an entrance test with grammar schools in Birmingham, Shropshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Warwickshire. This means that if your child sits the entrance test in Birmingham, they can be eligible to apply for any of the grammar schools in Shropshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Warwickshire.

  • Likewise, applicants sitting the entrance test in Shropshire, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Warwickshire are eligible to apply for any of the grammar schools in Birmingham.​​

  • The one selective school entrance test will take place across the West Midlands Grammar School partnership in September 2024. With parental consent, candidates’ tests scores can be shared between all schools within the partnership. The date for the test at WGHS will be announced shortly.


  • When you register your daughter for the Entrance Test she will be allocated the test centre based on her home address.

  • On registering you will be asked to select the schools for which you would like your daughter to be considered. No matter where your daughter sits her test, you must select all the schools you wish her results to be shared with. If your daughter is allocated a Birmingham test centre it is essential you consent to share your data with Wolverhampton if you wish to be considered for our school. 

  • Your daughter's results will only be considered by schools with whom you have selected to share her data. If you have not selected a particular school, they will not be made aware of your daughter's results and will not consider her for a place.

  • Any request to share results after the registration closing date will not be considered until after school offers have been made in March 2025.

  • Please note that selecting schools for data-sharing is different to the Local Authority preferences process, which has a deadline of 31st October 2024.

  • You will be sent information about the test and procedure for the day of the test. This will be posted to your home address. If you have not received this by 11 September 2024, contact Admissions at your local test centre. If WGHS is your allocated test centre please email the school using the following address:


Late Applications

  • Late applications are those where the parents of a candidate have not registered with the school by 4pm on 30th June 2024. All late candidates will be tested and we will publish information regarding how to register for a late test on our website in November 2024.

Year 7 2024 Entry

The registration period for our main Entrance Test for Year 7 2024 entry closed on 30th June 2023. Place allocations have now been made and a waiting list is in operation until 31st December 2024.

Entrance Test
  • Is Wolverhampton Girls’ High School a private school?
    Wolverhampton Girls’ High School is not a private school. We are a maintained, selective grammar school for girls from 11 to 18 years with Academy status. There is no charge or cost related to the admission of a pupil to the school. We have been offering a free education to girls from across the City and beyond for over 100 years.
  • Do you have a catchment area?
    All parents living both within and beyond the City of Wolverhampton may apply for their daughters to be admitted to the school. We do not have a catchment area.
  • My child currently lives outside Wolverhampton and would like a place at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School; what should I do?
    You should make your Admission Application to your child's Home, Local Authority (where parents/carers/guardians pay Council Tax), regardless of which school/s you are placing as a choice. This is called the Local Authority Preference CAF1 Form. If you would like to express a preference for Wolverhampton Girls’ High School, you will need to list the school as a choice on the Local Authority Preference CAF1 Form for your child's Home, Local Authority. Your daughter will also have to sit the West Midlands Grammar Schools Consortium Entrance Test. You should visit to register your daughter for the test between 7th May 2024 and 28th June 2024 at 4pm, which is the closing date for 2025 registrations.
  • What is the Consortium?
    The Consortium of Grammar Schools in Shropshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton was established in order to ease the process of admission applications for parents who are considering the option of a grammar school education for their child. Within this Consortium are: Haberdashers’ Adams Grammar School, Queen Mary’s Grammar School, Queen Mary’s High School, Newport Girls’ High School and Wolverhampton Girls’ High School. Your daughter will only need to take one entrance test for consideration by all girls’ schools. The Grammar Schools in Birmingham is a totally separate Consortium, and applications are administered by the Birmingham Admissions Office.
  • Admissions Policy
    Our Admissions Policy can be found on our school website by following this link: Each school within the Consortium will have their own, bespoke determined Admissions Policy. We are all independent admissions authorities and so you will find our policies to be different.
  • Before you apply – researching our school
    We advise all parents/carers/guardians to visit the school website and attend one of our Open Events before completing the Entrance Test, Registration Form and the Local Authority CAF1 preference form. Details about the admissions process will be given at our Open Events. Also, further information about the admissions process can be found on your Local Authority website. You may also wish to visit the website of those school(s) that you are interested in to find information about individual Admission Policies. Typical schedule of activities: April 2024: School Open Events: parents/carers/guardians and daughter to attend. May & June 2024: Daughter in Year 5 - Register your daughter for the Entrance Test via the school website to ensure that she will be invited to sit the test. Mid September 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Test invitation letter will be posted to parents/carers/guardians to notify of testing arrangements for your daughter. September 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Entrance test takes place (date to be advised). Middle of October 2024: Entrance test scores notified to parents by post. By the end of October 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Complete your on-line, Local Authority CAF1 Preference Form with your home Local Authority. 1st March 2025: National Offer Day. Secondary school allocations advised to parents/carers/guardians by home Local Authority either by post or electronically.
  • When should I apply?
    From 7th May to 28th June 2024 at 4pm: Daughter in Year 5 – Wolverhampton Girls’ High School website is updated with the West Midlands Grammar Schools Consortium Test Registration link and current information about the admissions procedure. We would encourage you and your daughter to visit one of our Open Events before attempting the completion of your Test Registration Form.
  • What is the timeline for Year 7 2025 Entry?
    We advise all parents/carers/guardians to visit the school website and attend one of our Open Events before completing the Entrance Test, Registration Form and the Local Authority CAF1 preference form. Details about the admissions process will be given at our Open Events. Also, further information about the admissions process can be found on your Local Authority website. You may also wish to visit the website of those school(s) that you are interested in to find information about individual Admission Policies. Typical schedule of activities: May 2024: School Open Events: parents/carers/guardians and daughter to attend. May & June 2024: Daughter in Year 5 - Register your daughter for the Entrance Test via the school website to ensure that she will be invited to sit the test. Mid September 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Test invitation letter will be posted to parents/carers/guardians to notify of testing arrangements for your daughter. September 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Entrance test takes place (date to be advised). Middle of October 2024: Entrance test scores notified to parents by post. By the end of October 2024: Daughter in Year 6 – Complete your Local Authority CAF1 Preference Form with your home Local Authority. 1st March 2025: National Offer Day. Secondary school allocations advised to parents/carers/guardians by home Local Authority either by post or electronically.
  • How do I register my daughter for the test?
    If your daughter is in Year 5 please complete your test registration via the school website so that she can be invited for the West Midlands Grammar Schools Consortium entrance test. You are able to apply from 7th May 2024 until Friday 28th June 2024 at 4pm. You will receive an email acknowledgement to say that your application has been processed. A subsequent email will be sent to confirm the test centre at which your daughter will sit her test. This will be based on your home postcode and it is not possible for you to select a test centre.
  • Where will my daughter sit the test?
    Your home postcode determines the school at which your daughter will sit the test and this will be selected for you. Should you use a different postcode other than your home postcode, your application will be refused and you will be asked to reapply.
  • When is the test?
    The dates of our test will be confirmed on the school website as soon as possible. This will be at a date to be advised, usually around 20th September.
  • What will happen if I have submitted a Test Registration form to more than one girls’ school in the Consortium?
    You only need to complete the Test Registration Form once. If you have made an error, you will need to contact the school where you wish your daughter has been allocated to sit and rectify matters. Amended information will be shared between Consortium colleagues.
  • What if my daughter has Special Education Needs?
    This should be clearly indicated on the Test Registration form and a Special Arrangements Form will then be forwarded to you for your completion and return to the testing centre immediately. If you do not receive the form, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer/guardian to contact the school to request a Special Arrangements Form. The completed form should be accompanied by copies of all supporting information and medical reports. Please submit this information as a matter of urgency to the testing venue. Early submission of the request for Special Arrangements will help ensure an independent assessment and the necessary arrangements can be made to make your daughter as comfortable as possible during the testing session. An early submission of paperwork also allows parents/carers/guardians to be advised of the arrangements that we have put in place prior to testing day.
  • What if my child is ill on the day of the test?
    You should telephone the school to inform us of your daughter’s absence and obtain a Doctor’s note with details/date of the illness. Following receipt of the Doctor’s note, the reasons for non-attendance will be considered carefully and if possible, an alternative testing date will be arranged. Please note that the Consortium will not re-arrange the testing date for candidates who are engaged in pre-planned activities, such as school trips.
  • What does the test involve?
    All girls will sit two standardised tests consisting of Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning provided by GL Assessment. Normally, each test paper is 45/50 minutes in length. School administration for each test will normally be one-hour.
  • Is there anything I can do to help prepare my daughter for the test?
    The school provides access to our online familiarisation portal with a wealth of activities to help students familiarise themselves with both our school and our test. Access to this will be provided by the school, following test registration. In addition, we will be running virtual familiarisation events in May and June 2024 and so please keep an eye on the school website for further information about these.
  • Should I employ a tutor?
    No, intensive coaching/tutoring is not in the long-term interests of your daughter. Girls will be anxious about sitting the test and you can help by not putting pressure on her. Please attend a Familiarisation Event and view the familiarisation materials on our school website. A link will be given to you to access a familiarisation portal to help prepare for the test.
  • What is the pass mark?
    There is no pass mark. Test marks vary each year depending on the individual tests taken. The standardised test scores are sorted into rank order and places are awarded accordingly by Wolverhampton Local Authority according to the determined, Wolverhampton Girls’ High School Admissions Policy.
  • When will we get the results?
    Information on the outcome of the test will be sent to all parents/carers/guardians in time for completion of the Local Authority, CAF1, preference form, i.e. by the end of October 2024. This correspondence will include details of your daughter’s test score.
  • Who has responsibility for the allocation of places?
    School Admissions at Wolverhampton Local Authority allocate our school places in line with our determined, Admissions Policy and within the agreed arrangements of the Local Authority Co-ordinated Scheme.
  • When are decisions made?
    Secondary school allocations will be emailed on National Offer Day to parents/carers/guardians on the 1st March 2025 or the nearest working day after this day. Secondary school allocation letters for those who applied on a paper form will be posted on National Offer Day via second class postage. Decision information giving your daughter’s allocated secondary school place will be sent directly to parents/carers/guardians by your home Local Authority School Admissions department. Wolverhampton Girls’ High School will be advised on National Offer Day of those girls who have been allocated to us.
  • Admissions waiting lists
    If your daughter has not been allocated her first preference, the admission application will automatically be placed on the waiting list for the preferred Wolverhampton school or schools that were ranked higher than the allocated school, provided that your daughter's test score meets the required standard for that year. Unless material changes of circumstances have been demonstrated to the Local Authority, your daughter’s name will only be included on those waiting lists for schools that were ranked higher on your CAF1 application than the school allocated to your daughter and therefore, if your daughter is allocated a place at the first preference school your daughter’s name will not be added to the waiting list for any of the other preferred schools. Following National Offer Day and the school’s liaison with Wolverhampton Local Authority, the Wolverhampton Girls’ High School confirmed waiting list will normally be available after approximately 10/14 working days. This detailed process takes some considerable time to ensure complete accuracy. The school will be unable to respond to questions from parents/carers/guardians about the Waiting List until this work has been completed. Requests for inclusion on waiting lists for non-Wolverhampton schools must be made in writing by parents/carers/guardians to the relevant Local Authority for the school concerned for assessment in accordance with their scheme.
  • What happens if you are moving into a new area?
    Where families with children of school age are moving into a new area, parents/carers/guardians should, at the earliest opportunity, contact the Local Authority School Admissions department in the area where you wish to reside. You will be required to provide the Local Authority with a variety of documentary evidence as proof of your move to support any application you may wish to make.
  • Travelling to our school
    The school currently has no organised transport service for the school. Mr M Ram, Abbey Coaches (Midlands) Limited (0121 557 9622) runs a variety of services for students travelling to and from the school. He organises routes and arranges travel payment contracts directly with parents. Public Transport: Number 1 > Dudley - Sedgley - Wolverhampton - Tettenhall Wood – frequency every 7 to 8 minutes.

Admissions Policy

Familiarisation Booklet

Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026

Pupil Premium

Admission Appeals

Year 7 2025 Admissions Procedure

For admissions at age 11 to Year 7 of the school, the Governing Body participates in the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admissions scheme for maintained secondary schools.


Parents/Carers will be offered their highest available preference of school for which their daughter meets the criteria by their home Local Authority on 1 March 2025.


Admission to Year 7 is determined by the performance of candidates in an entrance test, taking into account the priority categories for the allocation of places. Only girls who attain the required standard in the prescribed arrangements for selection by reference to ability will be eligible to be considered for admission to the school. The required standard is deemed to be those students scoring within 2% of the last automatic place and Pupil Premium students securing at least the qualifying score.


The entrance test is open to girls who will be no older than 11 years of age on 31st August 2025.

Application Procedures

Parents/Carers who wish their daughter to be considered for a place in Year 7 from 1st September 2025 must register her for the entrance test by completing and returning the Registration Form to the school by the specified date. This is available to collect from the school or alternatively is published electronically on the Wolverhampton Girls’ High School website

Parents/Carers must also complete a Local Authority Preference Form (also known as the Common Application Form). The Parents/Carers of children resident in Wolverhampton should visit their City of Wolverhampton Council’s website to obtain the Secondary Composite Prospectus and Local Authority Preference Form. The Parents/Carers of children not resident in Wolverhampton must obtain a composite prospectus and Local Authority Preference Form from the Local Authority in whose area they live. This must also be completed and submitted by the specified date to their home Local Authority, following the guidelines given in the composite prospectus, and ensuring that Wolverhampton Girls’ High School is named as one of their preferred schools. If Wolverhampton Girls’ High School is not named on the Local Authority Preference Form, no offer of a place will be made, even if the child has taken the entrance test.

Admission Number

The number of intended admissions for the year commencing 1st September 2025 will be 180.

Entrance Test

Admission to Year 7 of the school on 1st September 2025 will be determined on the performance of all candidates in an entrance test and by taking into account the priority categories for the allocation of places.

Arrangements for taking the test will be announced by the Governing Body in the local press during the Spring Term 2024.

Where a candidate is ill on the day of testing, arrangements will be made for the test to be taken on an alternative date. In such cases the candidate will need to provide a medical note within 5 days of the test date. Any other exceptional circumstances for non-attendance should be notified in writing to the school prior to the test. The school cannot make allowance for test performance which may have been adversely affected by illness or by any other exceptional circumstance.

Out of Cohort Candidates

Parents/Carers who wish their daughter to be considered for entry to Year 7 in September 2025, where she was born either before 1st September 2013 or after 31st August 2014, should write to the Headteacher outlining the reasons for the request.

Allocation of Places/Oversubscription Criteria

The school makes the arrangements for girls to sit the entrance test and for it to be marked independently. In order to inform their choice of schools for their daughter, Parents/Carers are sent a notification letter (October 2024) containing information about their daughter’s performance in the entrance test.

At the point of the test registration, Parents/Carers are asked to confirm if their daughter qualifies for Pupil Premium. Where this is the case, proof will be requested by the school as outlined on the school website and must be provided by the Parent/Carer for their daughter to be treated as a Pupil Premium candidate, before their daughter sits the test.

A qualifying score will be set that is expected to be lower than the score required for other girls to gain a place for use in Stage One of the Allocations process.

On National Offer day, offers are made through the Co-ordinated Local Authorities Admissions Scheme. In advance of this date, data is provided to the Local Authority to enable it to make these offers.

Where more than 180 applications are received, the allocation of places will be completed in the following ways:

Stage 1 – Allocation of places to Looked After Children and Pupil Premium students

1. The school sets a qualifying score. This is set in October 2024 and communicated to Parents/Carers through the notification letter. Students who satisfy the criteria outlined in points 2 or 3 below will receive an automatic offer of a place where the entry criteria are met.

2.  A “Looked After Child2”, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements order, or special guardianship order, will be offered a place if they have achieved a score equal to or exceeding the qualifying score.

3. The first twenty five “Pupil Premium” students, as at the time of taking the test, whose test scores are ranked highest in the merit order, and have achieved a test score equal to or exceeding the qualifying score, will be offered a place. Proof of “Pupil Premium” status will be required in line with the requirements requested by the school and outlined on the school website.

4. Remaining Pupil Premium students will be slotted back into the full order of merit for consideration under the subsequent stage of the process.

Stage 2 – Allocations of remaining places in order of merit

The scores are put into a table in merit order according to the performance of each girl in the Entrance Test. This table is sent to the Local Authority. Following the allocation of places under Stage 1 of this process, the remaining places are allocated in strict order of merit in accordance with girls’ scores in the test.

Before 1st September 2025, Parents/Carers of successful applicants will be required to provide evidence of the date of birth of their daughter in the form of a short form birth certificate or other documentation acceptable to the School.

Joint Lowest Last Place Score – Stage 1

In the event that more than one candidate obtains the last score for the twenty five Pupil Premium places a tie break process will be followed. Priority will be allocated to:


Those living nearest to the school. The measurement between home and school will be determined by the straight line measurement from the designated home address3 to the school using computerised software. For applications from the same block of flats that have the same designated point, the allocation will be decided by lot. Where Parents/Carers have shared responsibility for the girl and the girl lives with both Parents/Carers for part of the week then the main residence will be determined as the address where the girl lives for the majority of the school week during term time. Parents/Carers may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used for the application.

Joint Lowest Last Place Score – Stage 2

In the event that more than one candidate obtains the last score a tie break process will be followed. Priority will be allocated in the following order:


1. A “Looked After Child2”, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements order, or special guardianship order (in the event that the score falls below the Qualifying Score and so has not secured an automatic place).


2. A Pupil Premium student, as at the time of taking the test. Proof of “Pupil Premium” status will be required in line with the requirements requested by the school and outlined on the school website (in the event that the score falls above the Qualifying Score and has not been allocated a place at Stage 1).


3. A Pupil Premium student, as at the time of taking the test. Proof of “Pupil Premium” status will be required in line with the requirements requested by the school and outlined on the school website (in the event that the score falls below the Qualifying Score and so has not secured an automatic place).


4. Those living nearest to the school. The measurement between home and school will be determined by the straight line measurement from the designated home address3 to the school using computerised software. For applications from the same block of flats that have the same designated point, the allocation will be decided by lot. Where Parents/Carers have shared responsibility for the girl and the girl lives with both Parents/Carers for part of the week then the main residence will be determined as the address where the girl lives for the majority of the school week during term time. Parents/Carers may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used for the application.

5. Twins, triplets, multiple births – in this situation, in the event that there is a tie between sisters who live at the same address, the place will be allocated to the first born and in cases where this is not known, the allocation will be decided by lot.

Late Applications

It is essential that the Registration Form for the entrance test is received by the specified date. In exceptional circumstances, late applications must be submitted to the school with supporting evidence to provide the reasons for the late application. This will be considered and if accepted provision will be made for the child to sit the test at an alternative date.

Candidates who make a late application to their home local authority after the deadline date of 31st October 2024 and subsequently take the test late are considered a late applicant. Such candidates will be inserted into the order of merit following the initial allocation of places on 1st March 2025.

Waiting List

Following completion of the annual co-ordinated admissions procedure, should places then become available, girls will normally only be considered for admission if their standardised score in the entrance test is within 2% of the girl with the lowest score to have been offered an automatic place at initial offer stage (March 2025). On 1st March 2025, the School will establish the lowest score to gain an automatic place at the School. From here the School will then calculate that any scores falling within 2% of the girl with the lowest score to have been offered an automatic place, are of the required standard. These candidates will make up the waiting list.


A candidate’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, outlined under Stages 1 and 2, allocation of places. Where places become vacant they will be allocated to candidates on the waiting list in accordance with this criteria. The waiting list will be reordered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria whenever anyone is added to or leaves it.


The waiting list will be automatically generated after initial offers have been notified and maintained until the end of the Autumn Term 2025. Following this date, a waiting list will be held in line with the arrangements outlined in the In-Year Admissions section of these arrangements


In the event of a place not being offered, Parents/Carers have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. The intention to do so must be indicated in writing to the school by the date specified. Parents/Carers will then be sent the necessary forms. Once an appeal has been lodged, Parents/Carers will receive information about the appeal process, including details as to when and where the appeal will be held.

Equality Act 2010

Parents/Carers who consider that their daughter has a disability under the terms of the Equality Act 2010 and/or Special Educational Need which would disadvantage her during the application of the school’s admissions procedures should provide further written information, at the time of registration, so that consideration can be given to making any reasonable arrangements for the candidate.

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