Welcome to our school
We have a long and established history of providing outstanding education for girls for over 100 years. We pride ourselves on our traditions, but we do not stand still, we are striving for continuous improvement. There is no charge or cost related to the admission of a student to the school and we welcome new students in the Sixth Form from within the City of Wolverhampton and beyond.​We offer a broad and rich curriculum where all students are encouraged and supported to achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Our combination of high expectations and support, tailored to meeting individual needs, leads to academic excellence. Students are highly motivated to learn and personalised learning lies at the heart of our provision. The school is respected as one of the best state schools in the country, regularly achieving examination results which place it near the top of national league tables. This success has also been recognised by Ofsted, with the school achieving five successive “Outstanding” inspections.​​​​​

Whilst academic achievements are an important part of life at WGHS, students enjoy a wide range of other opportunities. These include participation in the thriving house system; and opportunities in the fields of sport, music and drama. Sixth Formers are an integral part of the school, taking on various leadership posts and acting as role models for the younger students. There is a plethora of activities for the students to engage in from leading whole school events; to organising charity fundraising activities; participating in debating competitions and enjoying expeditions abroad.
Our team of dedicated staff all ensure that students are well supported to achieve academic success, within a caring community. Pastoral care is exceptional, focusing upon student wellbeing. High quality advice and support is provided to ensure that students are well informed to make their choices when preparing for higher education and their future careers. The school has an impressive record of students going on to read a variety of degree courses including Medicine and Law; and at some of the best institutions in the country including Oxford and Cambridge, alongside securing prestigious higher level apprenticeships at companies such as KPMG.
The school’s motto: Ludus Supra Praemium, emphasises the value of taking part as a member of the school community. Our girls are encouraged to develop skills for life long success in terms of understanding themselves as learners and developing as responsible citizens, demonstrating care and respect for all members of the community. We encourage each of our students to aim for their personal best.
As a result our students leave Wolverhampton Girls’ High School with fond memories, and equipped as confident and independent minded young women ready to take on the challenges ahead and enjoy success in their chosen fields.
WGHS truly is a special place to be, with its supportive atmosphere, encouraging all students to achieve their best in all aspects of school life. If you would like to find out more about our school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Our offer
Here at Girls’ High we have a long and well-deserved reputation for offering students an exceptional seven years of study. Each individual student who joins is provided with the opportunity to achieve their own personal aspirations, both academically as well as beyond the classroom.
We offer a broad and varied curriculum
The school offers a broad and rich curriculum with over 20 subjects available for study at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School which means that we are able to provide an educational pathway that is tailored to the individual student’s needs.
We care
Care, support and guidance are key elements at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School. Whilst academic achievements are exceptional this is not a solely academic school. Students join us knowing that they can fulfil their academic potential as well as developing the key skills essential for success both in and beyond school. We are highly skilled at ensuring students are able to secure places at outstanding institutions as well identifying and supporting applications for other opportunities beyond Sixth Form.
We achieve outstanding results
Each year the vast majority of our Year 13 students go on to further study including institutions such as Oxbridge and Russell Group Universities. We offer every encouragement to all students in whatever they wish to pursue, whether this be university, higher apprenticeships, employment or a gap year.
We offer exceptional opportunities
Students have the chance to develop communication, leadership and independence skills through the diverse enrichment opportunities on offer. The students play an instrumental role in the school community, organising a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities, charity events and contributing to school development and are able to take on positions of responsibility such as House Captains, Prefects, Deputy and Assistant Head Girl and Head Girl. They also benefit from a wide range of trips abroad including Russia, Italy, France, Spain, and Iceland, opportunities which support curriculum studies and help the girls to grow into well-rounded individuals.