Admissions September 2024 – Information about test results and admission to Wolverhampton Girls’ High School.
Thank you for your interest in our school and for bringing your daughter to sit our recent entrance test at one of the testing sites.
I understand that some big decisions lie ahead and hope that through sharing this background information, you will find it helpful in informing your choices.
The recent entrance test assessed your daughter’s knowledge, skills and understanding in three areas: English, Mathematics and Non Verbal Reasoning, across two papers. The results were then combined to give an overall test score, taking into account the candidates’ different ages on the day of the test.
This year we have moved to a new test supplier, GL Assessment, in line with other Midlands selective entry schools. As this is the first year of the GL Entrance Test, we have adjusted our test scores from previous years, to enable you to make comparisons between this year and last year. We hope that the information we provide here is helpful for you:
Last year, the highest score achieved for WGHS in the test was 276 and the lowest was 131.
This year, the highest score achieved for WGHS in the test was 279 and the lowest was 129.
Because of the dependency on the preferences stated in the Local Authority Preference Form, it is not possible at this stage to identify the lowest score that will be needed to secure a place at the school in Year 7. We will have 180 places for September 2024. This is the same number of places as in each of the last three years.
The score of the last candidate to be offered a place in 2023 was 206.
The lowest score of a candidate to be offered a place in recent years was 198.
I cannot stress enough that this information is provided as a guide, and the lowest score for 2024 may be higher, lower or the same as in previous years. Results vary from year to year. The lowest score required to gain a place at the school will not be known until National Offer Day: 1st March 2024, following the Local Authority allocations.
For those candidates who have provided evidence of Pupil Premium status, our qualifying score is 202. The highest scoring twenty-five Pupil Premium candidates on or above this score will automatically be offered a place if we are listed as first choice or if you do not meet the criteria for the schools you have listed above us.
For those candidates with a score equal to or above the lowest score in recent years to have been offered a place at the school, we would encourage you to list Wolverhampton Girls’ High School on your Local Authority Preference Form. You will be aware that the national deadline for the completion of this form is 31st October 2023. If you are yet to complete this, it is important that you do so. If you choose not to list Wolverhampton Girls’ High School on your Local Authority Preference Form then your application will go no further. Similarly, if you do not list us as first preference and your daughter is offered a place at a school you have listed as a higher preference, then your application for admission to our school will go no further.
Candidates with a score below the lowest score in recent years (198) may struggle to cope with the pace and challenge of the work at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School.
You will also find a wealth of virtual materials available by clicking here.
May I offer my very best wishes for your daughter in the next steps of her education.
Mrs T Young